Social Media Trends of January 2024, Most Notable

Feb 10, 2024 | Blogs

This January 2024 social media update covers the latest platform developments and trends. Key highlights include YouTube’s new analytics to optimize playlists, WhatsApp’s calendar search for finding old messages, Instagram’s private Flipside profiles, and Chrome’s AI-powered upgrades. The post also discusses Threads hiding engagement metrics and Reddit’s plans to launch an IPO despite questionable valuation.

Boost Your YouTube Strategy with New Playlist Analytics

YouTube has unveiled some handy new analytics to help creators optimize their content. Creators can now view grouped data for each playlist under the new Playlist tab in YouTube Studio. This offers an easy way to compare metrics across your playlists and see which performs best.

The Research tab also has a new Content Gap feature. This highlights search queries related to your channel that your current videos aren’t fully serving. Checking for content gaps can reveal opportunities to match content to viewer search intent better.

Other smaller but useful updates include the ability to pin top community clips to maximize engagement across platforms. YouTube has also launched scheduled members-only video premieres. This allows creators to build excitement and notify members of upcoming premieres before making the videos public.

Overall, these analytics additions and insights provide new data dimensions to inform content planning. As YouTube continues developing its analytics, creators have more tools to understand their audience, fine-tune their strategy, and boost their viewership.

Finding Lost Messages Just Got Easier with WhatsApp’s New Calendar Search

The social Media, WhatsApp recently introduced a handy new calendar search option that makes finding old messages a breeze. Gone are the days of endless scrolling trying to locate a specific text or media file.

After updating to the latest version of WhatsApp beta for Android, users can now tap the calendar icon next to the chat search bar. This opens up a full calendar view to easily select a date. The search results will show all messages from that particular day.

While WhatsApp’s existing chat search is useful, it requires knowing the exact keywords or details to find a specific text. With the new calendar view, you simply pick a date and all messages from that day are displayed. This is perfect for locating an old address, photo, or conversation you only vaguely remember the timeframe of.

The calendar search feature started rolling out in June 2020 for iPhones, followed by WhatsApp Web last year. Android users can now join in on the fun. Although not yet available for everyone, the handy calendar option is expected to reach more devices soon.

As WhatsApp continues implementing helpful new features like calendar search, users can look forward to an even more efficient messaging experience. This latest addition makes finding old texts a total breeze!

The Social Media Instagram’s New Flipside Offers Users More Privacy Controls

Social media Platform, Instagram is testing a new feature called Flipside that gives users more options for sharing content privately. Flipside allows you to create an alternate profile with a different username, bio, and profile photo that’s only visible to selected followers.

With Flipside, Instagram may finally have a solution to the issue of “finstas” – fake Instagram accounts people make to share more personal content. Flipside provides that intimate sharing experience while avoiding the need for a separate account.

When enabled, you can choose who sees your Flipside and what content you post there, like Stories and Reels. The feature appears to stem from users wanting more control over private spaces on the platform. Flipside lets you seamlessly switch between public and private personas.

While still in early testing, Flipside shows Instagram’s commitment to enhancing users’ experience. The alternate profile empowers people to share moments online while maintaining privacy. As social media evolves, Instagram is poised to lead the way in private sharing.

Flipside gives users the best of both worlds – a public presence and a secret space for close connections. This innovative feature may soon change how people interact with the app.

 Google Chrome Gets Smarter with Generative AI Upgrades

Google recently announced several new AI-powered features coming to its Chrome web browser. These tools utilize generative AI to provide helpful writing assistance, creative inspiration, and organization.

One addition is a wallpaper creator that lets you make custom backgrounds by entering text prompts. There’s also a writing assistant that gives you AI-generated suggestions to improve queries, posts, and more. Right-click any text field to access it.

Chrome will now automatically sort open tabs into topical groups and label them. This is perfect for juggling multiple tasks like planning a vacation. No more losing track of which tab is for flights and which is for hotel research!

While AI artistry and organization tools are fun and handy, the writing assistant raises some concerns. With AI ready to enhance any text field, it becomes dangerously easy to pass off computer-generated content as your own. And some fear a future flooded with bots conversing with each other if we rely on AI too much.

But overall, Google’s new Chrome features showcase AI’s capabilities to improve our online experiences. The artistic wallpapers and tab organization make browsing more personalized and efficient. And the writing assistant, when used properly, can spark creative ideas.

As AI technology progresses, generative tools like these will likely become commonplace. Google seems to be taking a measured approach – enhancing existing features instead of overhauling them. These Chrome updates offer a glimpse into our increasingly intelligent future.

Threads App Update Lets You Hide Engagement Metrics

The latest Social Media. Threads app update introduces the ability to hide like and share counts on your posts. Users can now opt to conceal these public engagement metrics on their images and videos in the app.

Previously, Threads only let you hide like counts separately. But the new update takes things further by allowing you to hide both likes and shares. This change gives more control over engagement visibility.

You can choose to hide the metrics on individual posts or set it as a default for all your Threads content. Hiding public counts could help relieve social pressure and anxiety tied to them.

Instagram itself has experimented with concealed-like counts over the years to create a healthier environment. At one point during the pandemic, Instagram shelved testing hidden likes to deal with other priorities.

But the option rolled out fully in 2021, letting users customize their experience. Now Threads is also adopting this approach to empower users.

With less focus on vanity metrics, the Threads feed becomes more about genuine sharing. You can post freely without worrying about how many likes or shares you get.

It’s a small but meaningful change aligning with Meta’s push for more welcoming social media. Reducing the emphasis on engagement counts contributes to a less judgmental atmosphere.

Giving users more control over their social media presence is always a win. The Threads update allows you to curate the right feed for your needs.

Reddit Reportedly Planning IPO Despite Questionable Valuation

Reddit is reportedly moving forward with plans to launch its initial public offering (IPO) in March. This comes after years of speculation about when Reddit would finally go public.

According to Reuters, Reddit aims to attain a $15 billion valuation from the offering by selling around 10% of its shares. But when comparing Reddit’s much smaller user base and revenue to social platforms like Snapchat, that valuation seems disproportionately high.

In 2021, Reddit was valued at $10 billion during a funding round. Since then, the platform has worked to clean up controversial communities and establish stricter policies. These changes have impacted usage but laid the groundwork for a more brand-friendly Reddit.

Revenue is also rising through improvements to Reddit’s ad tools. But a nearly 50% increase in valuation to $15 billion in less than two years is a stretch, especially amid economic uncertainty.

Reddit may be betting big on the value of its engaged communities and data for future AI developments. Building a proprietary conversational bot could be one path to better justifying its valuation.

But in the current market, Reddit’s true worth is hazy. The company will need to make a compelling case to achieve such a lofty valuation for its IPO. Setting expectations too high right out of the gate could end up hurting Reddit’s debut as a publicly traded company.

It will be interesting to see how Reddit positions itself in the coming months leading up to its reported March IPO. The company will need to balance its ambitions with realistic valuations to ensure a successful public offering.

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BlogsSocial Media Trends of January 2024, Most Notable