Email Marketing

Deploy email marketing for nurturing, acquiring, and retaining your customers

Eerlik helps brands use email marketing as a primary tool of digital marketing toolbelt to engage customers and achieve business goals. Plan your next email campaign with us.

We use the best email marketing strategies to connect you with your prospects and customers to generate leads and build relationships.

Email marketing has dramatically impacted the overall online marketing. And more than 84% of brands are creating a digital marketing strategy while deploying email marketing. The reason is the effectiveness of this marketing tool is exceptionally high. By 2023 the global email users are set to grow to 4.5 billion that is almost half of the world’s population. And email marketing can bring you an average return of 142%. For Eerlik Media, email marketing is not only about sending out emails, but we also make sure that your target audience receives timely, segmented, and helpful communication that move them deeper into the engagement process.

Why Eerlik Media?

As a premium email marketing agency in Navi Mumbai, we helped companies improve their email marketing, lead generation, lead nurturing, and sales automation processes to achieve growth goals. We create campaigns using technology and designs to strengthen your position in the marketplace.And factors that make us stand out are:

Depth and Breadth of Talent:

We have a large in-house workforce to tackle the most complex email marketing campaigns. Our email marketing company in Navi Mumbai includes developers, copywriters, user experience, and conversion optimization specialists.

Transparency in Work and Communication:

We believe that an appraised and involved client makes stronger and productive campaigns. Thus, we want you to know what we are doing and how that will impact your brand.

Years of Experience in Email Marketing Campaigns:

We are managing email marketing campaigns for many clients, with a full array of objectives involving lead generation to brand awareness, to brand loyalty.

A well-planned process can lead to success, and the same goes with our email marketing service.

Eerlik offers full-service email management programs touching all stages within the lifecycle of an email through:


Planning and Strategizing:

We create email marketing blueprints based on research to build various campaigns for the segmented audience and ensure you get the full advantage.

Creating Content:

Our team works with your internal team to formulate a perfect email copy and other essential messaging elements for specific campaigns and audience segments.


After the content is created, we design aesthetically appealing layouts to arrest your recipients’ attention. We make sure that the call to action successfully inspires the audience to click-throughs.


After designing, our team codes the email campaign and launch the marketing push. We send out emails to your target audience and ensure proper formatting and functionality.

Execution and Analysis:

After launching the campaign, we continue monitoring the campaign’s results and reports.

Benefits of Email Marketing:

If you are not utilizing email marketing still, should you? More than 87% of marketers are using email marketing because:
  • Email marketing is the most cost-effective marketing channel.
  • It helps you to deliver targeted messages to different segments of audiences. Email segmentation works fantastically for your brand.
  • This marketing channel can successfully use psychology to improve your result.
  • It’s easy to measure how your email marketing is working, the click-through, and the conversion rates.
  • Email marketing enables you to reach a global audience.
ServicesEmail Marketing