Don’t settle with just a great looking website and have a website that continuously generates leads and sales

We offer Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing services to target traffic conditioned to like your product or services. If you are waiting for a smarter program with integrated SEO and SEM, you must speak with us.

SEO and SEM in a nutshell

What Is SEO?

Search engine optimization is all about how you show up in search results. Because if you do not, then how do you expect your audience to find your business?

What is SEM?

Search engine marketing is nothing but paid SEO. It is your paid effort to increase search visibility and drive traffic to their website.

Our all-in-one SEO and SEM service handle your brand from top to bottom: research, execution, testing, and tracking.

Partnering with Eerlik keeps you covered from every aspect while ranking on Google.


Campaign Strategizing:

We set up your SEO and SEM campaigns on Google AdWords, and other search engines, and help you to define and understand your campaign goals and track conversions. We focus on getting the best return at the lowest cost per click possible.

Keyword Researching:

We dive into high-end keyword researching to discover high converting yet low-cost keywords that your target audience is extensively using to find businesses like you online. We set your budget and manage your PPC and keyword match types to maximize your visibility.

A/B Testing:

Our in-house copywriting team creates winning ad copies to convert your target audience into customers. We use a good call to actions that trigger your target audience to generate more click-throughs. We use AB testing for better response rates and conversion.


We also keep track of your revenue through Google Analytics as well as other third-party tools. We gather real-time data for optimization and pull API data from different tools and platforms to optimize a continuous process for maximum ROI.

Our SEO And SEM Services Include:

  • Local SEO
  •  SEO & SEM strategies
  •  Web content optimization
  •  Revamping ongoing content strategy
  •  Offsite SEO with 100% trusted backlinks
  •  Keyword researching and planning.
  •  Generating rank reports
  •  Competitive analysis and competitor research

Why SEO And SEM Are Important:

  • SEO and SEM work collaboratively to drive traffic to your website and web pages. Through these marketing techniques, you can focus on organic traffic flow to your business site.
  • There is no ongoing cost for attracting traffic to your content through SEO and SEM.
  • SEO and SEM get you more clicks than your competitors who are not using these tools.
  • SEO and SEM fuel your digital PR and maximize your return on investments. Link building through reputable websites helps you to brand yourself in front of your consumers in a better way.
ServicesSEO & SEM